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Methodical aspects of transition to instruction in a foreign language. World economy and world finances. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография.

код 591894
Год издания: 2020 г.
ISBN: 978-9934-8941-3-8
Страниц: 158
Вид издания: Монография
Оптовая цена: 1 500 руб.
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The monograph is devoted to the problems of teaching professional disciplines in the field of world economy and world finance in English, the scientific work examines the problems of export and import of educational services, methodological aspects of implementing educational programs using innovative teaching methods, the experience of foreign countries and international cooperation in the implementation of educational activities,  analyzes the influence of modern teaching methods and knowledge of foreign languages on improving the competitiveness of the country's economy. All materials are presented in English.
Methodical aspects of transition to instruction in a foreign language. World economy and world finances : монография / Е. А. Звонова, Н. В. Сергеева, Т. А. Асон [и др.].

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