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The best practices of modern administration and management in cases and essays. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебное пособие.

код 694488
Год издания: 2024 г.
ISBN: 978-5-466-06422-3
Издательство: Русайнс
Гриф: По результатам рецензирования учебное издание "The best practices of modern administration and management in cases and essays" (Максимов М.И.) рекомендовано Экспертным советом УМО в системе ВО в качестве учебного пособия для студентов вузов, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки "Менеджмент", "Экономика"
Страниц: 144
Вид издания: Учебное пособие
Оптовая цена: 790 руб.
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The modern practice of management and business administration is characterized by high dynamics, the need to make decisions in conditions of incomplete information about the external environment, and stressful situations. In the training of managers, therefore, a certain emphasis should be placed on solving practical problems, similar to those with which they have to work in their professional activities. The value of this manual is that the cases presented in it, in addition to clarity and instructiveness, are open in nature and allow students to personally simulate the desired outcome of the example. All cases are based on real events and to a large extent illustrate the complexity of modern managerial work.
Conforms to the latest generation of FSES HE.
For training bachelors and masters in the areas of training 38.03.02 and 38.04.02. Can be used as a textbook for teaching disciplines: “Organization Theory”, "Strategic Management", "Management Methods and Instruments", "Strategic Analysis", "Corporate Governance".
Reviewers: Professor Dmitriy N. Zemlyakov, Head of the Department of International Transport and Supply Chain Management, RUT (MITE); Professor Yuriy V. Korechkov, Doctor of Science, Professor of the Department of  Economics and Accounting and Analytical Activities International Academy of business and new technologies (Yaroslavl)
Максимов, М. И., The best practices of modern administration and management in cases and essays : учебное пособие / М. И. Максимов.


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